Love at first sight involves that the sense responsible for getting in love is sight, right?
What can sight tell us about a person we have just met? Well it can tell us that the person is or is not good looking, if it is healthy, if he or she has good genes, if they are sexually attractive,maybe something about body language, and so on. OK. What is sexual attraction? It is nature's way of taking our minds and playing with them so the species can perpetuate. But what does nature want when the main objective is the perpetuation of species? To produce the best individuals it can. What is necessary for that? It has to make sure that the individuals with the best genes procreate. Thus, it need to check the next variables: good genes, physical health, handsomeness, survival skill (in our case social skills).I these genes are passed by, the individuals created will have more chances to reproduce themselves and so on. Bingo! Survival and reproduction. That is all nature knows.
Now, there is no reason to feel bad, if you have not "procreate" much yourself. This nature ritual, to name it such is not really suiting for humans. And you can see the results everywhere arround you. Single, young mothers left to raise their children after argues or even fights with her husband. Children growing up at an orphanage. I could say that this sexual attraction has only bad things in store for everyone. It blind people and they can not see in perspective. The omit having in consideration the long run. Of course that is where contraception steps in, but not always...
So, can you distinguish if a person you have never met before is good for you to mate with, only by taking a glance at them? With a little intuition, and some practice, yes, you can. But that is only the surface of a person. You can not choose, as a woman, a total douchebag to be the father of your son, only because he is handsome, has an active social life, a good job and a huge house. Or, can you? This is where education kicks in, and maybe some experience, but in case of women experience is something that is taken into consideration way to late, if not at all.
Can a relationship that started with sexual attraction end up to develop based on true love? Of course! Can it end up bad for both? Most of the times it does! It is kind of gambleing if you ask me.
Love is a wonderful thing, that can not exist without sexual attraction, but that is just the first step.
Tell me about your recent "love at first sight" adventures in a comment below!